VISION54 e-News  Bring Possibility to Life

Keep your attention on your intention.



Lynn focusing attentionAttention


For you to have access to more of your abilities and possibilities – make sure to train your ability to pay attention.


Many years ago, we asked Michael Murphy what, in his opinion, is the most important factor that stops people from shooting 54 or reaching their potential. With no hesitation, Michael replied: “that’s an easy answer … distraction!”


No human being can pay attention all the time, but we can train ourselves to access attention when needed! First you need to make choices about what you want to pay attention to? Then, the skill is to know how to pay attention. And finally, learning to know when to pay attention.



green sketch line


WHAT is useful to pay attention to as you play? What is good to pay attention to during your swing or stroke? What is helpful to pay attention to after you have finished your swing?


WHERE is your attention going? Can you be in charge of it if you want it to be more future-oriented, reflecting on the past, or being immersed in the present?


HOW deeply engaged can you be, and not be distracted by others or your own voice? How long can you pay attention?


WHEN do you want to be the most attentive? To play great golf requires efficient energy management. To focus with 100% attention during a whole round would be exhausting, if not impossible. It’s perfectly OK to let your mind wander between shots and go “on vacation”.


green sketch line


Every player allocates his or her limited attention either by focusing it intentionally like a laser beam of energy or by diffusing it in random non-connected movements. The shape and content of your golf game and your life depend on how attention is used. Entirely different realities will emerge depending on how it is invested. A player who has the “54 mentality” is the one that has the ability to focus attention at will, to be oblivious to distractions, to concentrate for as long as it takes to achieve a goal, and not longer.


VISION54 at The Forum


PGA Show 2023 - The ForumOur year has begun with lots of golf and coaching happenings! One highlight for us was to be part of a panel discussion during the PGA Show in Florida. In one evening, a popular event called “The Forum” takes place where 300-400 teachers, coaches, and scientists meet for presentations and panel discussions. We were asked to be on a panel discussing “where we see the future of coaching / instruction going” with David Leadbetter, Mike Adams, Randy Smith, and Jim McLean. The consensus was a lot about how much technology and future AI has done and will do to diagnostics and evaluations of the body and swing. The future of coaching will be so much more focused on the human aspect and all the non-measurable factors of playing – asking questions, listening, finding the uniqueness for each player, all the inner skills of focus, commitment, passion, etc…


VISION54 Spring Training


Spring is Here! Well … not quite, but any time is a good time to grow your game! :) Mastery takes practice and there’s always a new skill to learn or improve on. Our intention – in everything we do – is to provide you the tools to untap your potential so you can play your best golf and enjoy the game more. Whether you’re an amateur, junior, college player, professional, teacher or coach, we have training options for all ages and skill levels.



In-Person Coaching


Structured, in-person learning with VISION54 coaches at our home course, Talking Stick Golf Club in Scottsdale, Arizona. Programs vary in length and intensity to meet your individual goals and schedule.  Details / Schedule >>


Remote Coaching


Online training programs brought to you – anywhere in the world – with support from VISION54 coaches. Train at your own pace with no schedule or live sessions. New classes kick off the first Monday of every month.  Details / Enrollment >>


Check our our newest addition, Be A Player 2 – for alumni of BAP1 – to dive deeper into the Human Skills and learn beneficial performance skills. Join BAP1 the first Monday of every month, or BAP2, five times a year.  Details / Enrollment >>


Be Your Own Best Coach


Flexible, self-training options to learn and practice on your own. The 84-page Human Skills Playbook is a collection of our BEST exercises and explorations to increase your awareness and competence of the Human Skills of the Game.


To dive deeper into the concepts and practices presented in our books, check out the Action Guides created for each one. They’re great as a practice guide with a team or group of players, or to explore on your own.


All books and Action Guides are available on our Amazon bookshelf.  Amazon >>



eNews Updates


VISION54 eNewsWe LOVE golf!! We love everything about this ancient game. We love playing it, watching it, coaching it, and teaching it. Above all, we love seeing players and coaches grow and unleash their true potential to play or coach better and really enjoy this great game.


We support that intention in everything we do, including our eNews. We will continue to provide training tips, lessons, and exercises around playing golf, but we’re also going to lift the curtain a bit on VISION54. In each issue, we’ll share some of the things we’re doing to improve our learning, fuel our passion, and keep our focus on WHY we do what we love to do! We hope our experiences inspire you on your journey to become the best YOU on the course!


In addition to the updated content, we’ll be increasing the frequency to monthly to stay in touch and keep you informed. If you have specific questions or topics you’d like us to cover, drop us an email at Anyone can subscribe to our eNews at the bottom of our website homepage.  Subscribe >>




Go … BE a Player!

The VISION54 Team    480 371 9692


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